My Favorite Resources 6

My Favorite Resources 6

Every Indian woman is a beauty, for the beauty of body and soul seems to be God’s gift to Indian women. This has been proved not by one but several Indians who have won national as well as international beauty pageants and titles for the country. Most of the people must not be knowing but the first ever miss world from India was Reita Faria in year 1966. The crowning glory then was carried forward by many others like Aishwarya Rai, Daina Hayedan, Yukta Mukhie and Priyanka Chopra in 2010.  

These titles speak a lot in itself; they are called glorious because they have given India a platform to present the graceful personality of Indian women where Indian girls who were looked down as uncouth and un-sophisticated wore bikinis as gracefully as they wore their traditional saris. The women clothing in India thereon changed the entire thinking process in-side out. The thought process about Indian women changed for both- the outsiders as well as for insiders.

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